He Said/She Said
The season finale of Scandal has been aired and it left a lot of people breathless. The words “Daddy” and “Dad” blew up the interwebs last night. OnThaBubble called upon some of its favorite voices to...
View ArticleI Shouldn’t Watch Ratchet TV, But…
DISCLAIMER As upstanding members of this community, we at OnThaBubble pride ourselves on our civic engagement, intellectual capacity as well as our love for our community. Unfortunately at times and by...
View ArticleCritique of Jay Z’s Samsung Commercial…
Jay Z and Samsung make some big noise yesterday with their announcement of his new album. People took to the internet to show their appreciation. We turned to our female correspondent for her thoughts....
View ArticleI Shouldn’t Watch Ratchet TV But…
Ratchet TV never sleeps and neither do I. I shouldn’t be watching but… …how else am I going to figure out how men like Stevie J have holds on women like MiMi. Perhaps it’s that “D” that everyone is...
View ArticleOnThaBubble Awards at the BET Awards
Time to give out our own OnThaBubble Awards from last night’s BET Awards. Best Jacket Award This was highly contested. First and foremost R. Kelly is the truth. Moving right along. Kells came out with...
View ArticleI Should Watch Ratchet TV But…
…how else am I going to ….watch Kirk fail once again at keeping his marriage together because Benzino says that they needs some space is engaging in “man time” with each other?! Translation…Don’t count...
View ArticleI Shouldn’t Watch Ratchet TV But…
“I shouldn’t watch ratchet TV but…….. …how else am I going to watch Kirk fail once again at not even looking like he would enjoy the touch of a woman humping and licking him on national TV! Crazy! To...
View Article#ThrowBackThursday Battles : Whitley vs Kinu
For the this addition of #ThrowbackThursdayBattles and all to follow we will reach out to our readers and listeners for their input in helping decide the outcome. Today we take it to the campus of...
View ArticleBlack People Aren’t Funny Enough
A community of viewers from all walks, groaned after hearing Claire Danes’ name being called for the Emmy award for Beat Actress in a Drama. Frankly, I love Homeland and thought she deserved it over...
View ArticleThe SNL Black Report Card
HOST: MILEY CYRUS MUSICAL GUEST: MILEY CYRUS BEST SKIT: We Did Stop (The Government) Black Cast Appearances: 9 (last week:5) For the second week in a row the show opened with a black cast member....
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